Energy Democracy for Our Nation’s Capitol.
We are fighting for a power system that works for the people, not the shareholders.
Our Energy, Our Voice.
Washington, DC, stands at a pivotal moment where the need for a city-owned power utility has never been more pressing. As the capital of the United States, DC embodies the principles of innovation and progress, yet our energy infrastructure remains controlled by profit-driven monopoly utilities.
It’s time that we shift control of our energy infrastructure into the hands of residents, creating an energy system that is accountable to the people of DC.
Pepco’s profit-driven model has created long-standing issues of inequality and inefficiency. Sky-high rates, dirty energy, and singular focus on maximizing shareholder profit continue to hurt our poor and working class neighbors. We Power DC’s vision of a publicly owned utility is a system with lower rates, community control, and investments in clean, reliable energy.
Join us in fighting for a power system that benefits us all, not just corporations.
Lowering Utility Rates
Corporate utilities like Pepco are guaranteed to profit, regardless of the quality of service they provide. We are fighting for a publicly owned utility that provides energy at lower rates, with fewer hikes and fair community-focused oversight.
Ensuring Clean, Affordable Energy
DC leads the way with one of the most progressive renewable energy plans in the country, but Pepco is resisting this change. Community ownership guarantees a just transition to clean energy. A publicly owned utility in DC is one focused on the climate transition by streamlining solar and other clean energy projects, limiting development costs, and adhering to our Council’s strict timeline to break free of fossil fuels
Expanding Transparency and Community Control
A publicly owned utility is one that is managed and operated by the people that use it, not out-of-town corporations. Removing shareholder greed from our utility promotes local control, community investment, and transparent operations. With municipalization, a public power utility operates with more transparent regulatory meetings and doesn’t waste money on political activities or advertisements.
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